A quip and an update
In other news: Madi got her first tooth this month, there is another one on its way, but not quite erupted. She sat up on her own yesterday from her belly. Cute. Still not really crawling, but she magically moves around when she wants to get somewhere. No one really knows how she does it... she's sitting up in one place one minute, and the next, shes sitting up a few feet away. :)
We are officially down to one nursling. :-/ It was a bittersweet decision. Liam had been going days between nursing since I left him with his dad on my last trip to AZ in December. This past week, he had gone all week. Yesterday, he asked for "mommy milk", and I asked him if he wanted chocolate milk instead. He agreed, and nothing more was said. He hasn't asked again, so I'm gonna go on a limb and say it was time, and it was mutual. I will miss it, though. Nursing was a real comfort for the both of us, it helped us both weather a tumultuous first year and a second year full of life events. Hes become quite the snuggler, I love it. :)
We were at Costco yesterday. We can't go to Costco without looking at every little thing in the store. While we were in the book section, Liam took particular interest in a book that had a little play mat and action figures in the back. He asked me to open it, and I told him we have to pay for things before we open them. I left him in the care of his father while I ran to grab some noodles, and when I returned, Kiev was laughing heartily. I asked him what was funny. Kiev said Liam took the book over to a lady (next to Kiev) and said, "Look at this book!" When he got her attention, he took her through the pages and when he got to the end he looked at her and said, "can you open this for me?". The lady laughed and told him that he needed to ask his mom or dad, and he said "I know, mommy said we have to pay for it first". She laughed and told Kiev he was an excellent speaker for his age and very resourceful. :)
Madi says Happy Valentines Day!! :)
love the Liam story - LOL!